Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Review Of Caridad Pinerio’s Stronger Than Sin is at Smexybooks


Dr. Liliana Carrera was abducted by the Wardwell scientists and almost died. Since her rescue, she has has devoted all her energies to analyzing and trying to cure the experimental gene therapy that was forced on her sister-in-law who was also a victim of the Wardwell scientists strange experiments. When the FBI approaches her with the opportunity to help former pro athlete Jesse Bradford who was a patient at Waldwell and who’s gene therapy has gone terribly wrong she jumps in to help. Having treated Jesse before, Liliana is not only familiar with Jesse’s reputation as a womanizer, but also his explosive temper. As Liliana gets more involved,  she realizes that Jesse and the FBI are hiding something.


Check out the rest of my review at Smexybooks.

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