Kidlet got Web Cam Barbie for Christmas. This thing is creepy. Basically Mattel shoved a web cam down Barbie’s throat and an LCD up her bum. Ever been sitting on the pot only to see Barbie sliding under the dorr and a disembodied voice asking you what you are doing?
Verra creepy.
Techcrunch got one too and made a video about it. They sum it all up pretty well.
Stacia Kane, awesome author of the best selling Downside series,wrote up a nice long smokin’ excerpt from book 4 for members of her Darkside Army. Here are my reviews of the series:
Unholy Magic
City Of Ghosts
Paris Hilton’s Christmas card left me a little confused. I’m seeing more of a New Years theme then Christmas but hey, what do I know?
However, I’m lovin the dress she choose to wear. Designed by Antonio Beraldi, who made his fashion debut back in September, it has a lovely art deco /old style Hollywood feel to it. I will certainly be on the look out for more from Mr. Beraldi in 2011.
Taylor Momsen’s John Galliano Perfume Ad
Revolve tells Allie Crandell-Get Thee To A Healthier Weight
So many customers commented to Revolve about Allie Crandell (rahter then the outfits she was modeling) during her modeling of their clothing that Revolve has issued a statement to the effect that Allie will no longer be modeling for them until she gains some weight. I applaud Revolve for taking a stand but I have to wonder WHY it took customers to point out to them that this woman looks terrible. Could they not see it? Bless her heart-she looks like a bobble head doll.
Tom Ford’s Collection Is Kicking Arse
These shots, courtesy of frockwriter, is a preview of V Magazine's issue #69, a spread starring Julia Restoin-Roitfeld modeling Tom Ford's debut womenswear collection. Described as "self portraits", Julia is shown modeling the dresses as she takes her own photographs the shots herself. Also included is an excerpt from an interview conducted with Ford, by Restoin-Roitfeld, who is also the face of Ford's Black Orchid fragrance campaign.
Don’t Go Online If You Can’t Do The Time
Leon Walker of Rochester Hills, Michigan, suspected his wife of having an affair. So he stole her Gmail password, broke into her account, and and discovered that she was indeed having an affair. The couple has since filed for divorce, and now Leon is being charge with a felony, thanks to a Michigan statute usually used for identity theft cases.
I’m so showing this to my husband tomorrow.
You made me snort my coffee with Barbit
Mandi-lolol Barbie is scaring me.
Barbie is scary in general, but this one is down right creepy!
Oh...and the Gmail thing. Spying on your mate is really not cool. I mean the woman was in the wrong, but why didn't Leon just talk with her about his suspicions?
Melissa-Barbie is skerry. lol
Me & Hubs thought the same thing. Why didn't Leon just ASK? Well, he'll have time to think about it now.
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