Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dance your heart out


If you are anything like me your purse is not merely an accessory but an extension of you. I keep EVERYTHING in my purse from essentials to things I may not need right now but may need someday. And while I usually have no problems with this, I do find it a pain when I’m doing something active. Such as dancing. I usually take a small clutch or a wristlet. Then I have to deal with the fact I can’t set it down anywhere and walk away. Or I have this small weapon hanging from my wrist.

Amalia Mattaor has come to the rescue with the Dancing Bags. These adorably chic bags strap to your arm to keep your valuables safe while you do whatever it is that gets your blood pumping and your body  moving.



Smash Attack Ash said...

Very interesting and creative!

Gigi's Consignment Closet said...

Ash-Aren't they cute?? I want one.