Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Review of Icebreaker by Deidre Martin at Smexy Books

Favorite Quote:
“As far as I can tell, you’ve got no flaws and can walk on water.”
“Divinity is a bitch.”
Sinead O’Brien is a high power attorney who lives and breathes her job. The only female partner is her law firm, she walks the straight and narrow to hold her own on an all male playing field. Dating clients is against the rules. When she is approached by the New York Blades to defend a player accused of unnecessary roughness, Sinead begins to think that rules are meant to be broken.
Adam Perry, the new captain of the New York Blades, plays hard and makes no apologies for it. He’s out to win the Stanley cup and no one is getting in his way. When he is accused of assault on the ice and the league tells him to bring it down a notch, he has to put his career and life in Sinead’s hands. And soon he doesn’t want to be anywhere else.

Read the rest of my review at Smexy Books and comment to win your own copy of Icebreaker.

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