Thursday, July 14, 2011

I’m reviewing Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz at Smexy Books


Favorite Quote: “Do I look like a freaking fairy-tale princess to you?”

Reviewed by Tori

Sixteen year old Emma Conner hasn’t had an easy life. Her mother and twin brother dies, leaving her alone with her abusive stepfather. When he almost kills her in a car accident, Emma goes to stay with her aunt in New York. Soon Emma is enrolled in a prestigious private school and the center of unwanted attention. Pursued by an unstable boy and the object of a jealous girl’s anger; Emma soon wishes she was back at her old school. When she catches the attention of the school’s hottest boy, Brendon Salinger, Emma’s life changes drastically as an old curse comes back to life with a vengeance with promises of a centuries old love and horrible death.

Read the rest of my review at smexybooks.

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