Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I’m reviewing Black Heart Loa by Adrian Phoenix at Smexy Books

Favorite Quote: “I can find you anywhere. Anytime. Yo’ heart be mine Kallie Riviere, hoodoo woman.”

At the end of Black Dust Mambo, Kallie learned a lot about her family and none of it good. She has a black loa in place of her soul, her aunt stole someone else’s identity and they want it back, and her favorite cousin has vanished. Now spells are backfiring, wards are failing, and a category five hurricane is heading towards New Orleans. Kallie fears that Doctor Heron may have triggered something when she shredded his soul. It’s only when another Loa declares war on Kallie that she realizes that she herself is the cause of all the magical trouble. Only with the help of her friends, sexy nomad Layne and voodoo in training Belladonna, can Kallie rescue her cousin, and find away to circumvent the disaster she has created before she loses everyone and everything that matters to her.

Read the rest of my review at Smexybooks.

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