Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I’m reviewing The Best Man by Kristen Higgins at Smexy Books.

thebestmanThe Best Man by Kristan Higgins (Blue Heron #1)
Romance Contemporary
February 26, 2013

Favorite Quote: “That. Man. Was. Suchapainintheass.“

Faith Holland left her hometown when her soon to be husband came out of the closet…on their wedding day. Older and wiser, Faith has decided it’s time to return home to her family and lay to rest some ghosts from the past. When she runs into Levi Cooper, local police chief and the evil villain behind her wedding disaster, Faith finds herself re evaluating her animosity towards him. After all, a nice ass in a well fitted pair of jeans can help you overcome a lot of animosity.

Levi Cooper never had much to do with Faith growing up. He found her silly, naive, and a distraction. However, grown up Faith proves to be an even bigger distraction-of the best kind. Unfortunately, she still blames him for ruining her wedding and he is a little put off women at the moment. Besides, with all the additional drama revolving around her family, Levi can’t even get Faith alone for even a minute to investigate this new development.

When Faith moves in next door to Levi, all bets are off and suddenly the town watches and waits to see if Faith will bury the hatchet with Levi …and where she’ll bury it.

The Best Man revolves primarily on Faith Holland. Faith was standing at the altar, all set to marry her high school sweetheart, Jeremy, only to find out he is gay. Of course, she finds all this out from her sweetheart’s best friend, Levi Cooper. Levi and Faith have always had an uneasy relationship since grade school. Levi thinks she is a spoiled pain in the rear, hence his nickname for her, Princess Super-Cute, and Faith thinks he is a jackass.

Faith leaves home after Jeremy breaks the news to her and tries to get on with her life but life has other plans for her. She has the most unbelievable bad luck yet manages to land on her feet with her humor and smart mouth intact even if her pride is laying shredded at her feet. The term “bless her heart” was made up just for her. Her dating repertoire includes several gay men and even a married man. Throw in her father’s gold digging girlfriend, her brother in law’s channeling of Christian Gray from 50 Shades, and her grandparents constant fighting, and you have a mad cap hilarious story that have you laughing the whole time.


Read the rest of my review at Smexybooks.

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