Monday, June 7, 2010

Manic Monday

Well, that time is among us again.

Schools out.

As a WAHM, school is a lifesaver for me. 6 hrs of uninterupted work time.
And trust me, I can get A LOT done in 6 hrs.
But I can't say a part of me doesn't look forward to summertime.
Lazy days and nights. Time spent with the kidlet.
And, of course, no more school stuff.
The endless fund raisers, begging for supplies, forgotten lunches and homework.
The 30 miles round trip everyday to drop off and pick up. An that doesn't include all the after school activities.
I definitely won't miss the getting up early. LOL I'm not a morning person.
But now I have to work out a schedule so I can still work and not regulate kidlet to an endless summer of boredom.

I know I will be setting up a summer school for her. An hour a day to work on subjects for 4th grade.
I will also set up a summer reading program for her. 
We have a pool and an endless supply of parks around here.
Unfortunately where we live there are not a lot of kids so her playmate is me.
But I cannot play all day. Between online store and other obligations I do need  time to work.

So what do you as a parent so to keep your kids from sitting front of a tv all summer?

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