Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My review of Take A Chance On Me by Jill Mansell is at Smexy Books

Favorite Quote: ”You’re not suppose to enjoy funerals. Next you’ll be giving it 5 stars on Amazon.”

Living in a small town, Cleo has learned to accept the fact that there are just certain people you can never avoid no matter how hard you really, really want to. When her job throws her in constant contact with her childhood nemesis, Johnny La Venture, she’s perfectly content to be civil while plotting his death scenarios in her head. But for someone she is trying to avoid, he is becoming harder and harder to ignore.

Take A Chance On Me revolves primarily on Cleo. Cleo is dating the man of her dreams-only to find out he is married with 2 kids. Of course, she finds all this out in front of her sworn mortal enemy-Johnny LaVenture. Johnny and Cleo have been nemeses since grade school. As she hasn’t seen him in years, it’s only fitting he shows up to witness her most humiliating moment.

The story progresses as Cleo tries to get on with her life and avoid Johnny-only to find he keeps popping up where ever she is. Throw in her ex boyfriend’s soon to be ex wife, her best friend’s unrequited love, and her sister’s sudden shock when an 18 year old girl shows up claiming to be her husband’s unknown child and you have a mad cap hilarious story that have you laughing the whole time.

Read the rest of my review at Smexybooks

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