Thursday, December 23, 2010

I’m Reviewing Earl Of Darkness by Alex Rickoff at Smexy Books


Favorite Quote: “I’ve been a fool twice over. And that makes what we’ve done here my folly. Not yours. So I can forgive your seduction. What I can’t forgive is your betrayal.”

Cat O’Connell has no idea why she was contracted to steal a diary from the Earl of Kilronan but her circumstances have forced her to do what she must for money. When the Earl catches her and realizes she alone can read the strange fae language of the diary he offers her a choice; translated the diary or go to jail. She chooses to help him.
The Earl of Kilronan is haunted by his brothers’ disappearance and his father’s murder. He feels the diary holds the answers. As he and Cat begin the translation they discover that the diary holds far more then answers and soon are swept up in a dangerous journey that will test the boundaries of reality and their love.


Read the rest of my review at Smexy Books.

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