Friday, March 8, 2013

I’m reviewing Thrown By A Curve by Jaci Burton at SmexyBooks


Thrown By A Curve (Play by Play #5) by Jaci Burton
Romance Contemporary
March 5, 2013

Favorite Quote:
“You’re ruining my moment, Alicia. You’re not big on romantic gestures, are you?”
“Sorry. It was very romantic. You should get naked now.”

Alicia Riley, sports medicine specialist has her work cut out for her when she goes up against star Rivers pitcher, Garrett Scott. Garrett hurt his arm pitching and so far, none of the therapy is helping him. When Alicia sits in on a meeting between Garrett and the rehab team, she bluntly tells Garrett that he needs to quit whining and start doing the required therapy, promising him that if he follows her program, he will pitch again.

There aren’t many who are willing to go head to head with Garrett Scott, so when the tiny beautiful Alicia not only goes for the jugular but spanks him the process, Garrett takes notice. He demands she handle his rehab from now on and soon they are working on more than just his rehabilitation. As the sexual tension rises to red alert between Alicia and Garrett, Alicia tries to keep things between them business only, but Garrett soon sweeps aside her reasons and they embark on a steamy affair.

When Garrett’s dreams of returning to pitching seems to take a dismal turn, can he and Alicia weather the storm or will Alicia’s fears of why you should never mix business and pleasure come true.


Read the rest of my review at Smexybooks.

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