Friday, August 13, 2010

My New Book Review Is At Smexy Books-Unchained by Sharon Ashwood

Today's review is Unchained (The Dark Forgotten #3) by Sharon Ashwood.

Ashe Carver is monster killer extraordinaire-and she has the scars to prove it. But she hangs up her stakes in favor of a more sedate Librarian job in order to convince her in laws that she is a fit mother. But life never goes the way you plan. Vamps want to impregnate her, a slime demon with a collecting fetish is hanging out at the mall, and a supernatural prison guard from the Castle has entered her life to inform her he will die in 2 weeks unless she finds his stolen soul.
And that’s all before breakfast.
In the third installment of The Dark Forgotten-Unchained- we are given the other Carver sister’s story-Ashe Carver. She made a horrendous mistake years ago that resulted in the death of her parents and the loss of her powers. She has spent her life honing her skills into the ultimate slayer that the supernatural world fears. But a custody battle with her in laws has her putting away the knives and replacing them with a library card.
This is the ultimate paranormal romance. Incredible word building creates a story so full of life that I was unable to put it down. The story races a long, even though it is chocked full of intrigue, suspense and romance. There is a lot going on but all the story lines blend so well together that
the you see neither beginning nor end.
Read the rest of my review at Smexy Books.

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