Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I’m Reviewing Sabine by Moira Rogers at Smexy Books

Sabine (And the Beast #1)

Favorite Quote: “Something was missing, had slipped through his fingers like a spirit, and the world seemed paler without it.”

Once upon a time the High Lord of the Forest who went off to battle. He left beyond a beautiful young woman whom he loved with all his heart. However, the High Lord’s mother did not approve of the young lowborn wolf and tried everything to get her to leave the castle. When all attempts failed the High Lord’s mother had a witch cast a spell on the young lady. The spell caused everyone around her to forget her. Soon, the castle inhabitants all forgot her and she left.

When the High Lord returned from war, he found his love gone. So he searched and found her. But the young lady was scared. If they stayed together, he too would forget her. But the Lord would not be denied. He would find away to break the spell and bind his love to him forever.

Read the rest of my review at Smexy Books.

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