Thursday, March 21, 2013

I’m reviewing Grave Secret by Sierra Dean at Smexybooks


gravesecretGrave Secret (Secret McQueen #5) by Sierra Dean
Urban Fantasy
March 19, 2013

Favorite Quote: “Actions and consequences.”

Oh. My. Spoilers ahead.

Karma’s a bitch.

At the end of Keeping Secret, we learned that Lucas Raintree is the arse we have always thought he was when he leaves Secret standing at the altar while he handles a small problem for her uncle. He sends Desmond to inform Secret of his defection. *gasp* Though, I have to admit, a small part of me smirked and thought, “You totally deserved this, Secret.”

In Grave Secret, Secret is dealing with her anger towards Lucas by really not dealing with it. She ignores his calls, refuses to accept his apologies, and has essentially declared him persona non grata in her life. She is working to get Desmond back in her life and bed again when Lucas, like the bad penny he is, shows up and informs her that his sister, Kellon, is missing and as pack enforcer and his were queen, (they are bound together regardless of the actually wedding), she needs to find her. Secret is also investigating a rash of murders involving teenagers where her bff Callippe looks to be prime suspect number one, and Secret’s mother is back and wants Secret’s crown…preferably with her head attached to it.


Read the rest of my review at Smexybooks.

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